Call Dr Terrazzo today for a free estimate, 843-790-8938 or send us an email at Chris@DrTerrazzo.com. We are here for you 7 days a week to answer any of your questions and to get you on our schedule, thank you!
Dr. Terrazzo Concrete Polishing of South Carolina also offers:
Free estimates
Concrete Grinding
Concrete Polishing
Concrete Staining
Terrazzo restoration, polishing, and repair
Floor refinishing
Dr Terrazzo has been in business for over 17 years and has completed thousands of terrazzo projects. They serve Columbia, Charleston, Greenville, MT Pleasant, Rock Hill, as well as many other cities throughout South Carolina.

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#Charlestonconcretepolishing #Rockhillconcretepolishing #concretepolishing #concretestaining #concretegrinding #DrTerrazzo #DrTerrazzoConcretePolishing